What audiences are saying.
"The music, the process, the feather... everything was so nostalgic. All those slime and soap cutting videos – those that claim to be satistying – I think this was the most satisfying video I've ever watched in my LIFE... This was a masterpiece. I could almost taste it. Thank you for bringing this into the world and into my world. So so beautiful. I watched it all with such wonder and intensity."
— Redditor
"If it is possible to be attracted to someone's passion for their art, that's where I am. I legit adore everything you do. Always moves me to tears."
— Tiktok user
"I think you definitely are [a storyteller], which puts you in a league of your own. Your work is very unique, your spin on creativity, combinations of mixed media, depth of colors and incredible selections of combined flavors is just brilliant! It's obvious your heart and soul are in the efforts of each project you work on. Your accomplishments are beautiful. Thank you for sharing with everyone!"
— Facebook user
"...Seriously, your work is perfection. It's sublime. It's designer married with pastry chef. I can't get enough of it. I freaking love you."
— Instagram user
I pressed the heart button a million times. It only shows that I liked it once, but just know it was one million hearts!
— Instagram user
"I would straight up have a panic attack if this were put in front of me. On one hand, I wouldn't want to touch it because it's so ungodly gorgeous. On the other, are you expletive kidding me with that flavor combination? I would inhale that so fast I'd barely taste it. Combination isn't even the right word, that sounds like the Harlem Globetrotters of dessert flavors..."
— Redditor
I'm forever in awe of your ability to bring a story to life and create movement with pastry!
— Instagram user
"When the aliens come down and say that we deserve to be destroyed because of all our wars and hate crimes, this is the video I will show them to explain why the human spirit deserves to continue."
— Redditor